Tracker Jack- the continuing digest
This is a letter from one of Tracker Jack's rescue angels. She was gracious enough to allow me to share it with you.
Dear Tracker Jack,
The day you were rescued from the puppy mill was scary for you, so you may not remember me.
I would like to re-introduce myself as I am one of the two ladies that held you that day.
As you were not use to human kindness and car rides, you must have been very frightened.
When we had to shave and peel off the hair that was attached to your bottom and then gave you a bath that was very hard for you too.
You were such a sweet boy thru it all and I hope you sensed that we were helping you.
The other lady and I talk about you and the dogs that left with us. You will be happy to know that they are also living with kind loving families like yours.
After reading about how happy you are and seeing how beautiful you look in your forever home, our hearts are overjoyed. You have a very special mom and dad and you so deserve the wonderful life you now have.
Our reward is knowing you are safe, cared for, and most of all loved.
We usually don’t have the pleasure of meeting a baby’s new foster mom or forever family, so we feel fortunate to have met yours.
There isn’t a clear answer as to why certain babies are chosen because we so wanted to take all of them.
There was an unexplainable heart tug to choose certain dogs.
God moves in mysterious ways and I believe it was with His guidance that you were chosen that day.
You touch the hearts of many people who view your web site as you touched ours when we saw you in the puppy mill.
You are truly an ambassador for all your friends left behind and know they are not forgotten.
We pray and wish for you many happy years with your family.
God Bless You Tracker Jack and Your Family,
A Rescuer