Tracker Jack- the continuing digest of a PuppyMillrescue Chapter 5
We had Jack's follow up Vet visit yesterday. I am still a little unerved by it. I get nervous when I care so much.
His lungs were clear and he had gained from 4.8 lb to 5.2 lb.
He was able to have his Rabies, and Bordatella vaccines today but she wanted to split the vaccines so he will have his DHLP-PV Friday.
She gave him one dose of Revolution (the flea and heart worm prevention) to help with his skin and ears, just in case he has mites.
Mt Vet told me he was 75% improved and said I was really good for him (as he is for me! :0)
Now the heavy news: My Vet recommends he have a soft palate vesechia while he is under having his chryptorchid neutering. Yes- after all poor Jack has been through, he does have a retained testicle. The good news is she does not think it is too deep in his abdomen and thought she could feel it.
She thinks his quality of life would be so much better if he had his elongated soft palate shortened. He actually 'snorkels' and sounds like he is choking a lot from this. I think it also contributes to all that tongue slipping he does. We thought it was due to the bad tooth, but he is still doing it just as much, even though the tooth has been pulled.
The surgeon specialist (Upstate Vet Specialist) quoated 800-900.
My Vet has only done one, and thinks she could do a good job, for about 450. These quotes do not include the neutering surgery.
I went ahead and set up an appointment for his neuter for next week, nothing else. I want whats best for Jack, but it scares me to think of the surgery, and it scares me to think of not doing it.
My husband and I have discussed this at some length and we really feel like Jack is too frail to undergo the SP surgery right now. He is a very fragile old fellow.
After reading that article, 'IF' it was done, I agree with Linda, I feel it would be best to have a specialist do it. My Vet had said that there is a danger of shortening the palate too much, and causing food to slip in the wind pipe. That would be diastrous.
I spoke with my Vet about Sassy Pants and Jack falling asleep when you hold them, and she said it could be a submissive response. My opinion is, that things have been so bad for them, that when they are thinking something is going to happen, they 'zone out', sort of like taking their minds away from the circumstances
He was an excellent patient and everyone made a big fuss over him.
He is doing so much better, but he has had a tough life and still has a long road to recovery.
Today I took a nap on the couch, I had a pup at my feet, one over my head, one on the back of the couch and Jack asleep in my arms. If I think too hard about what has happened to Jack, I get so upset, I can't think about it. I just have to get down to the business of taking care of him and bringing him back to health and happiness.