It's all about saving and caring for as many as we can. We believe education is the key to ending abuse., Inc. a nonprofit corporation under the laws of the state of SC and the IRS 501(c)(3) code public charity. Located in Spartanburg, SC. inc
PO Box 14
Roebuck SC 29376

Friday, January 23, 2004

A friend of my husband has found this site very amusing and is telling everyone at his work about it. Now my husband is at the wrong end of a bunch of silly jokes and pranks. Because he has a big heart and opens his home to ones that others might find 'broken' or misfits and allows me to be myself and care for these animals(which comes as natural to me as breathing) and because he is a decent human being with love and compassion. This site has been a great outlet to me, and has allowed me to share these four dogs with others who might have an interest in their stories.
My husband can laugh it off. He is a big man. But I feel his humiliation and I am hurt that I have caused this, by simply trying to help these little fellows. Honey, I am sorry, and I thank you for who you are, and for loving me enough to let me be who I have to be, and letting me do what I have to do, and not trying to change me.
Toothless old, crippled Jack loves you, little blind Trevor loves you, you know Timb & Tuck, me and the kids love you. Thank you, and shame on those who are giving you a hard time.

By the way- if anyone wants to send their dog rescue photos to Buster at
I'm sure he would love to see them. He is a dog lover himself. ;0)

~~thank you fellow rescuers~~

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