The Poms trip to Petsmart---
The Ambassadogs
It was Sunday afternoon and the three Poms and I had the whole day to ourselves. About four o’clock I decided we needed to go to Petsmart to pick up animal food. I brushed each pup, wiped faces, put on their collars with ID tags, and then their harnesses and leashes. At last we were ready. This was to be Trevor’s (our newest blind baby addition) first real trip in ‘public’.
When we got to the parking lot I put Timber and Tucker into the buggy part of the shopping cart. Tucker was leaning forward and hung out the front, while Timber hid behind his Pommie skirts. Tiny Trevor curled up in the baby seat and was as calm as if he had done this everyday.
We hadn’t even made it into the store when two large dogs came rushing out followed by two boys and a frustrated looking Dad. The boys stopped dead still in fascination. A mesmerized look on their faces. “What kind are they? Oh how cute! Can I pet them?” and then the question everybody wonders but only few actually ask-
“What’s wrong with his eyes?”
So many people wanted to pet them & ask questions.
I was able to explain about rescues & blind dogs and tell people about and how they could rescue a dog.
They were quite the 'Ambassadogs". It was a lot of fun.
People ask me if it was any trouble to take three dogs and I say "Have you ever taken 2 toddlers any where? At least my dogs mind and I can put harnesses and leashes on them!"
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