Tracker Jack and PuppyMillRescue have inspired me to attempt to write a juvenile fiction book. The tentative name will be 'Tracker Jack in the Box, a story of puppy mill rescues'. It will feature Tracker Jack, Sassy Pants, and Bubba.
Sassy Pants and Bubba, for those of you who don't know them, are two Pomeranians that were rescued at the same time as Jack and are living and being fostered, with Linda Landers at the Pom Palace in Texas.
The Columbia trip was very encouraging, and made me feel that there is a possibility for the book idea.
It is my intention to make a series of these books and feature different rescued pups as the characters in each one. Another step in educating (young)people about puppy mills!
I have taken SOOOOOOOooooo many pics of the pups, and only one out of a hundred is suitable for the calendar. Every time I get out the camera, they know what I am about, and run and hide!
Now the real news.....
Tracker Jack has progressed so fast this week. He has SCAMPERED(a cross between a hop and a run). He has taken two naps by my side. He has licked my hand, and come up to me and rubbed on my arm while I was tying my shoe. These are 'biggies' in the life of a puppy mill dog. It shows he is starting to trust me.
We had snow this week. Timber and Tucker loved it. Trevor and Tracker Jack did not like it a bit and were anxious to get back inside.
Tracker Jack is SO DONE with having his picture taken!!