It's all about saving and caring for as many as we can. We believe education is the key to ending abuse., Inc. a nonprofit corporation under the laws of the state of SC and the IRS 501(c)(3) code public charity. Located in Spartanburg, SC. inc
PO Box 14
Roebuck SC 29376

Monday, September 15, 2003

Flying Dogs!

I was recently asked for information about flying with your dog on a commercial plane. I was glad to share what I had learned when I went to pick up Trevor, so I thought others might be interested. Here is my reply:

As far as flying goes - I flew U# Airways with Trevor.

When I made my ticket reservations by phone I reserved a pet ticket for him. It was 100. one way. They are only allowed so many pets per cabin so you want to be sure that you speak for one. I actually had to purchase it when I got to the airport. You need a health certificate gotten w/ in 10 days(ck. w/ individual airline on this) that shows vaccines, etc. They actually never looked at mine though, but they should have.

I bought a Sh#rpa bag from P#tsmart that had the airlines that had approved its use on the outside of the package. It was the medium size and I wished I had gotten the small because it was a tight fit for under the seat in front of me. He was also a lot tinier than I had anticipated!

You can also shop #bay for a Sh#rpa and can get good buys- just watch out for the shipping charges!

I had food, towels, paper towels, a bottle of water, plastic baggies, pick up bags, and even news paper that can be laid down in the floor of a stall in the bathroom in case you cannot get outside to walk them. Leash, harness, treats, chewies and R#scue Remedy or some other calming medicine 'just in case.' Trevor didn't need anything like that, the airplane seemed to lull him to sleep.
It was a lot of fun and people are so friendly when they see you have a dog.
I shopped online for the best prices on my ticket and was able to save $. Then I actually called the airline to purchase the ticket and saved even more. The discount travel sites such as Trav#locity and others make a fee off of us too so I just bypassed them.
I hope I have been able to help.

Here we are at the Manchester airport

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