Hurricane Isabel
Hurricane Isabel blew in more than wind and rain last Thursday. Not even considering the oncoming storm we set out to learn more about animal rescue. I drove my mother and sisters to Concord, NC to visit with a wonderful lady that fosters smaller dogs for the animal shelter.
We had come to ask about a small male Pomeranian that had been so badly abused that his spine was permanently fused in some places. Turns out this poor boy will need more experienced rescuers than we are. He needs real unconditional love,special handling and understanding of abuse.
However, we did get to meet to lovely female Pom rescued from a 'Puppy Mill' last spring. Read more about that in the articles above and see the 'eye opening' slideshow. If you have ever considered buying a puppy from a pet store, think again. This is where those little darlings come from. Their parents held prisoner in horrid conditions while they crank out litter after litter for the greedy owners.
While we were there Mary Lou showed us several dogs needing homes. All were very needy, and it is very hard to leave without taking them home. She is so kind and sweet to the animals that it is reassuring to see there are still people who care so much.
The one dog that grabbed our hearts was the eldest female Pomeranian.(estimated to be around 9 years old) She was recovering from hip surgery and had been a prisoner in the now famous 'puppy mill' of Union County. Shaking with fear at first, she settled into my mother's lap and decided she had found her home. Mother had no defenses against the soft dark eyes, and silky fur framing her sweet face. She limped around the room a bit, and we could tell that her fur was growing back from the shaving she had for the surgery.
"Can she go home now?" We asked. "No, she needs her last hip check up and her spay surgery. So it will be a couple of weeks at least." Mary Lou answered.
We were able to see the other young Pom female from the puppy mill, and she looked like she could have been the elder Poms daughter. She needed surgery on both her back legs to fix her luxating patellas(knees slipping out). It is a costly surgery and I was not in a position(having just flown to get Trevor and having his surgical expenses) to take on her expenses, even though I would have loved her. Poor baby girl can barely walk and 'scuttles' slowly with her tail tucked. It will take surgery on one leg then healing for weeks before the surgery on the other leg.
We leave Mary Lou's in the rain and the wind, but with our spirits high knowing we are coming back for little Isabella! She is friendless, loveless and homeless NO MORE!
MOM with Isabella
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