It's all about saving and caring for as many as we can. We believe education is the key to ending abuse., Inc. a nonprofit corporation under the laws of the state of SC and the IRS 501(c)(3) code public charity. Located in Spartanburg, SC. inc
PO Box 14
Roebuck SC 29376

Saturday, February 07, 2004

Tracker Jack 2/7/04

On Sunday, Feb 8 at 8:00 & 11:00 pm Tracker Jack was on MSNBC National Geographic Explorer.

They did show undercover film footage from the very same puppy mill Tracker Jack was rescued from. Tracker Jack, Bubba, Gracie and George the Poms and others were shown.

It was very difficult for me to watch, but I am so glad that the horrors of puppy mills were exposed.

To those that are new to the Pom Springs blog spot - Tracker Jack's story begins in the archives on the right of the page on the 1/16/04 entry.

Our blind Trevor's rescue story starts in entry 9/3/03.
He and Tracker Jack have formed and 'alliance' as the two rescues of the pack.

Tracker Jack on 1/13/04

Tracker Jack's one remaining tooth on 1/13/04

Tracker Jack on 2/5/04
This toothless pup playing with a chewy. He is a true 'Survivor'!