It's all about saving and caring for as many as we can. We believe education is the key to ending abuse., Inc. a nonprofit corporation under the laws of the state of SC and the IRS 501(c)(3) code public charity. Located in Spartanburg, SC. inc
PO Box 14
Roebuck SC 29376

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Tracker Jack- the continuing digest
He RAN!!!!
It was the most amazing thing.

I had the pups in the back yard while the sun was shining and it was fairly warm.
Tracker Jack has been sort of toddling around on his wobbly legs.

Timber was racing back and forth beside the fence.
It must have looked like so much fun that he decided to try it.
Next thing I knew he was running.

He ran half the length of the yard.
The reason I am so excited is that this little fellow is just two days post-op, may not have even known how to run, and surely never had the opportunity to run- living his life in 'the box.'

Can you just imagine how the grass must feel to his little black toes?
Can you just imagine filling your lungs with clean fresh air after a life time of breathing the acrid air of 'the box'?
Can you just imagine how the sun must feel on his little almost hairless back after living years in the dark?
The very things we take for granted, Tracker Jack is showing me anew with his soft brown eyes.
Warmth, good food, clean water, security, freedom, health care, some one to love us, and care for us. A recipe that all creatures great and small - want- and yes- need, in order to not just survive, but to thrive.

Yes- Jack ran today, not as fast as the others, but he ran, and he was free and in the sun.

Today was a good day for Tracker Jack and for me ......